Enni-Kukka Tuomala’s Empathy Echo Chamber is available on Fridays by advance booking only. Purchase a ticket to Amos Rex’s exhibitions and reserve your slot for the experience at the same time. You can now book your slot for 4 April, 11 April, 25 April, and 2 May.

One ticket per booking.

  • Empathy Echo Chamber is a unique experience designed for two strangers at a time.
  • The experience lasts 20 minutes, after which you are free to explore Amos Rex’s exhibitions.
  • Please respect your co-participant by arriving on time for your reserved slot. If you arrive late, you will lose your booked time for Empathy Echo Chamber.

On other days, you can participate in the artwork without prior reservation by queuing on site.

Book your time slot

Ticket Prices

Standard Ticket: €20
Senior / Teacher: €15
Under 30 / Student: €5
Museum Card: €0
Press Card / ICOM Card: €0

Your ticket includes entry to all Amos Rex exhibitions after your Empathy Echo Chamber experience.

Enni-Kukka Tuomala, Empathy Echo Chamber, 2020–2021. Kuva: Laura Vuoma / Suomen Britannian- ja Irlannin-instituutti

Empathy Echo Chamber (2020–2021)

Where do your perspectives, emotions, and values come from? How can we deepen our understanding of ourselves and one another?

Finnish empathy artist Enni-Kukka Tuomala has created a space for encounters, verbal and non-verbal connection, and self-reflection at Studio Rex. As part of the exhibition, the participatory installation Empathy Echo Chamber invites two strangers to step into a guided experience together.

Empathy Echo Chamber transforms an isolated, intangible echo chamber into a shared physical space, encouraging us to step beyond our own experiences, see one another, and be seen. The work gives empathy—a complex and abstract emotion—a concrete, material form that can be seen, felt, and physically experienced.

Duration & Capacity: 20 minutes, two strangers at a time
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English
Recommended for adults