Moss Giants

Kim Simonsson's Moss Giants are visiting Lasipalatsi square over the summer. Photo: Mika Huisman / Amos Rex
I feel, for now

Photo: Niclas Warius / Amos Rex
The Cloud of Un/knowing

Josefina Nelimarkka, The Cloud of Un/Knowing. Photo: Niclas Warius / Amos Rex
Josefina Nelimarkka: The Cloud of Un/knowing 27 March – 8 Sept 2024
Josefina Nelimarkka’s The Cloud of Un/knowing lifts our gaze to the heavens. It explores clouds and their essence as part of the Earth’s hydrological cycle. The exhibition consists of new works that change in an instant, materials that stimulate the senses, and atmospheric–data-driven technology. Local weather data and scientific measurements acquired from the Arctic regions in real time are transformed into light, sound, and digital water droplets forming a subtle unity.
Ryoji Ikeda

Ryoji Ikeda: data-verse 2 (2019). Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo / Amos Rex

The Quiet Parade

The Nest

Tadashi Kawamata: The Nest 7 May – 4 Sept 2022
The Nest by Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata was an outdoor sculptural installation in which reclaimed materials surged over the roof of the Lasipalatsi building and soared up the courtyard chimney 7 May – 4 Sept 2022.

Mariele Neudecker, Over and Over, Again and Again, 2004. Photo: David Lambert

Ars Fennica

Amos Rex - Ars Fennica 2019 - Petri Ala-Maunus b © Titus Verhe.jpg
Magritte: Life Line

La Chambre d'écoute
The Listening Room